Sunday, 22 March 2009

Lecture by Mr Toshikuni Doi on 5th April in Kyoto

Here are the details about a lecture by Mr.Toshikuni Doi on 5th April.
in Kyoto.

Time: 5th April, 13:30-16:00 (Open at 12:45)
Venue: Kyoto University(the 4th classroom,1F at Faculty of Law and Economics Main Bldg. )
Map(in English):
Entree fee:500 yen (for handout)

Boigraphy from Mr Doi taken from his Homepage

Toshikuni Doi, born in 1953, is a Japanese independent journalist. He has published numerous articles in many first-class journals and has made scores of documentary films for news programs. He also has eight books published in Japan, two of which are "The Jews in the USA" (1989) and "The Palestinians in the USA" (1989).

Since 1985, he has visited the occupied territories many times and almost lived there for months, extensively reporting from Palestinian villages and refugee camps. He also has covered Asia, notably atomic bomb victims in Korea who were in Hiroshima or Nagasaki in 1945, Korean women who were forced to become sex workers/slaves by the Japanese army, and street children in Thailand and Vietnam. His coverage of the Japanese goverment's refugee policy has been much praised. Since April 2003, he has visited Iraq under occupation four times, focusing on civilian victims of war, women's rights and prisoners' mistreatment, or torture.

He has also traveled extensively in the U.S.A.
Details in Japanese below.

日時 : 2009年4月5日(日) 13:30〜16:00(12:45開場)

会場 : 京都大学(本部キャンパス)法経本館1階、第4番教室

* 法経本館は、時計台のすぐ裏手にある建物です。

資料代: 500円




